Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Some encouraging numbers - I am making money with Android

Making money with Android... again.

I have also reached my third primary goal! Awesome.

As you will know if you have read my earlier posts, my income for Android has been like a rollercoaster - up and down constantly. For a few days I get plenty of downloads, and then all of a sudden, they stop.

Well, at present, I am getting one or more a day, and have now reached my third primary goal of $30 (USD) in a single month. Each time I reach one of my goals, I know I am one step closer to the big dream of working full time from home.

My next target it $50 in a single month, and I can't wait to reach that one.

I don't say this often enough, but if anyone out there is doing, or trying to do, the same thing as me - I wish you the very best of luck. Write those apps, get them published on the market, and let me know how you do!

Thanks for reading again,

Primary Goals
  1. Earn over $1 in a single day. ACHIEVED
  2. Earn $10 dollars in a single month (approx 33c per day) ACHIEVED $16.26 - mostly from sales of Computer and IT Quiz Pro
  3. Earn $30 dollars in a single month (approx $1 per day) ACHIEVED ($31.91 - and it's not the end of the month yet!)
  4. Earn $50 dollars in a single month.
  5. Earn $100 in a single month.
  6. Earn $500 in a month.
  7. Earn $50 a day/$1500 in a month.
  8. Leave full time employment

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Final Push for my App

Time to blog and develop

Good morning.

I do hope you are all well and thank you for continuing reading my blog, and checking my apps out.

I am currently off work with a stomach bug, so what better chance to catch up with my AndroidMakeMoney blog, and some development!

As I published my goals and achievments yesterday, I wont to this again today, but I can give out some other information. I have got a few things to share with you today:

Android App updates and improvements

Computer and IT Quiz Pro had another feature added to it today - a Sudden Death mode whereby the player must answer 100 questions in a row, without getting any wrong. I tried it myself. It's mega tough.
I placed the button for this in the free version, and when clicked, the user is prompted to download the pro version.
I think this will be one of the last major updates to this app (I may improve the Facebook and twitter interaction though). I have spent a lot of time on this app and it is not producing amazing results. I will, of course, still maintain the app and continue to add questions, but I won't be spending hours at a time adding new features. **I've changed my mind on this and will continue working on this app - I believe it has not yet reached it's full potential!**

Stop Binge Eating - This is a perfectly good app, but downloads have been extremely slow. OK, the app doesn't really do an awful lot - it contains some information about binge eating and a link to a support forum I put together especially for the app, but it is very useful all the same, so I gave it a bit of a makeover.
I changed the icon, put the icon in the app itself, and just generally tidied things up again.
I also changed all ads displayed in this app to point to Blou Simple Calorie Counter, and vice versa, so the two can promote each other for free!

Blou Simple Calorie Counter - Yep, new name and icon, and tidied up the appearance a little. I am also pointing all ads displayed in 'Blou' to the 'Stop Binge Eating' app, and vice versa, so they promote each other.

Making Money with Android Apps...

As you probably know, downloads of Computer and IT Quiz Pro have suffered almost a complete halt.
Yesterday, after updating only the Play Store description slightly (trying to get some sympathy downloads of the pro version!), I got 3 downloads.
OK, I know, 3 sounds really low, but for me it's really cool. It may be a sign that things are about to kick off again. We will see.

Graphs, charts, numbers... Active Device Installs

I have included some charts below of things that may interest you (I haven't shown all my apps - some of the graphs are steady and quite uninteresting in this way. That's not to say that I don't like a nice steady increase of installs mind!) Here are the active device installs for some apps:

Computer and IT Quiz Free

This is my favourite. From around March 2012 onwards (see my panic stricken blog posts from around that time),  I had a dramatic decrease in active installs of this app. It was crazy, and I still don't know what happened, but as you can see from the sudden climb a few months later, things are better than ever now. I often wonder if the stats were wrong at Google's end.

Blou Simple Calorie Counter

Blou seems to be doing rather well at the moment - I am putting it down to new years weight loss resolutions and new gym memberships.

What's next?

I am currently working on my next quiz, which isn't too far off being complete (it takes a long time to come up with all those questions!).

I won't give away the theme, but I am enjoying creating it. After that, I am going to go for an app with a wider target area and try to earn some decent money through ad revenue. I have loads of ideas up my sleeve.

So with that, I am off for a bath and then back to work on the new Quiz.

Thanks for reading this post!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Another Quick Update - ALL Secondary Goals Achieved!

Another Quick Update

Hi again,
Just another recap as I have met another one of my secondary goals - my Simple Calorie Tracker has not reached over 500 active users, after hovering around 270 for a long time.

I only noticed this as I was working on the interface and decided to check the stats. The active installs have nearly doubled this month (Jan 2013) - I guess it's all those new years resolutions to lose weight!

I have also moved one of my secondary goals (to leave full time employment) over to my primary goals, as it is the whole purpose of all my efforts! This means I have actually achieved all my secondary goals. Hurah!

Oh, one more note, I did switch back to paid ads for my Computer and IT Quiz (Free), but I have gone back to promoting my Pro version. Just in case you are interested.

Primary Goals
  1. Earn over $1 in a single day. ACHIEVED
  2. Earn $10 dollars in a single month (approx 33c per day) ACHIEVED $16.26 - mostly from sales of Computer and IT Quiz Pro
  3. Earn $30 dollars in a single month (approx $1 per day) (got close - $26.95)
  4. Earn $50 dollars in a single month.
  5. Earn $100 in a single month.
  6. Earn $500 in a month.
  7. Earn $50 a day/$1500 in a month.
  8. Leave full time employment
Secondary Goals - ALL ACHIEVED!
  • To earn $5 in a single month - ACHIEVED $16.26 - mostly from sales of Computer and IT Quiz Pro
  • To achieve more than 1000 ad impressions in a single day. ACHIEVED 1629.
  • To achieve 500 active installs for Simple Calorie Tracker/Counter (currently 590).
  • To achieve 2000 active installs for Computer and IT Quiz (currently 5016). ACHIEVED
  • Create my first graphical game. ACHIEVED
Thanks again for reading. Keep checking back for further updates.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year - Android Development Career

New Year - What's going on now? Has my Android development career taken off?

Not yet.

Hello and welcome back to my blog. Hope you have enjoyed any holidays, relaxing and general time away from work you have had (if any!) over the last couple of weeks.

I am once again in an odd situation with my Android Career - my paid version of Computer and IT Quiz Pro for Android all but stopped getting any downloads (after getting approx 1 per day for a couple of months).
This is very frustrating as I still haven't got to the bottom of it - the free version has continued to increase in downloads, and most of my sales for the pro version came from the ads in the free version, which were still running. There are no major bugs in the pro version and my pricing has been lowered a couple of times since this started, making no difference! I also added a bunch of different ads (all pointing to the pro version, but with a variety of ad text), but this has not helped.

I do, however, remain optimistic that my time will come.

If you have read this blog from the start, you will know that I would like to be at, or close to, leaving full time employment by the time I turn 30. Well, in December 2012, I turned 29. I have less than a year to boost by earnings dramatically.

I have, for now, switched to third party ads in the free version of Computer and IT Quiz, simply as a test (perhaps users had started to ignore the ads for the pro version as they are always there?).

I am going to spend some time this evening investigating the lack of sales for the pro version of the app - I really want to get back to were I was a couple of months ago, having met a couple of my goals. I did, however, meet another of my secondary goals this month (after placing third party ads back in my free version of the Computer Quiz)... I achieved more that 1000 ad impressions in a single day.

Primary Goals
  1. Earn over $1 in a single day. ACHIEVED
  2. Earn $10 dollars in a single month (approx 33c per day) ACHIEVED $16.26 - mostly from sales of Computer and IT Quiz Pro
  3. Earn $30 dollars in a single month (approx $1 per day) (got close - $26.95)
  4. Earn $50 dollars in a single month.
  5. Earn $100 in a single month.
  6. Earn $500 in a month.
  7. Earn $50 a day/$1500 in a month.
Secondary Goals
  • To earn $5 in a single month - ACHIEVED $16.26 - mostly from sales of Computer and IT Quiz Pro
  • To achieve more than 1000 ad impressions in a single day. ACHIEVED 1629.
  • To achieve 500 active installs for Simple Calorie Tracker/Counter (currently 267).
  • To achieve 2000 active installs for Computer and IT Quiz (currently 5016). ACHIEVED
  • Create my first graphical game. ACHIEVED
  • Leave full time employment.

Thanks again for reading - please wish me luck with reaching more of my goals!